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Reaching Out to the Sun


How do I train?

Welcome to MOVE 2 Train, where we prioritize sustainability and injury prevention to help you move pain-free for decades. We believe that integrated movement is the key to achieving this goal, whether it's for sports, daily activities, or exercise routines.

Our personal training program starts with two easy assessments: a visual postural assessment and a walking/running gait cycle analysis. By identifying and correcting structural compensations, we can eliminate the root cause of pain and injury.

Poor posture and mechanics can lead to chronic conditions, symptoms, syndromes, and dis-ease, as well as slower performance, injury, and discomfort. Over time, this can prevent you from engaging in activities that you enjoy.

Our personal training benefits include pain relief, improved joint balance, better range of motion and improved circulatory system function. When your mechanics are off, friction and wear and tear on the joints can cause inflammation that leads to pain and other chronic conditions, in addition to the stress response and hormone disruption from your body's adaptations.

Our program addresses all aspects of your health, including posture, mechanics, breath, diet, and more. Start your journey towards a pain-free and injury-free life with us today!

Close up of ankles of a woman running on treadmill


Beach Run

First off, What is functional training?




I would define functional training as a mode of training specific adaptions that you use in context to your everyday life and in most sports like standing, walking, running, throwing and for movements done in self-preservation. These motions do not have to be done with excessive loads to be an exercise. Training the body as a whole unit under moderate load  is not only fun but also trains the neuromuscular system. Uniting the mind and body.


Secondly, What would be non-functional training?

I would say non-functional training would be a mode of training a particular motion in isolation, like bending, pushing, pulling, lifting, and carrying, for the sake of pushing general adaption to an extreme. I question why do I need to press 500lbs or squat 1200lbs or curl a bar with 350lbs. Sure my muscle and bones can adapt but, at what cost? Are the joints and ligaments designed to withstand that repetitive long duration load without damage? No, they are susceptible to cumulative micro traumas that turn into that seemingly "from out of nowhere" injury. Understand, that an isolated muscle pushed to an extreme will adapt in isolation causing an imbalance in the kinetic chain sequence. Training the opposing muscle in isolation does not balance the kinetic chains, it just causes more imbalance with ill sequenced muscle activation's during real life movements.  However, I understand there may be a need to compartmentalize the kinetic chain to strengthen a muscle, joint or a portion of a chain before it is integrated for full training.
There is strength to be had without damaging your joints under overwhelming vertical compression and friction.

Lets get MOVING.

It’s easier than you think to change your life. Just contact me and let’s get going on the road to a fitter future.



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